
How Massage Can Boost Your Immune System and Reduce Stress


Massage Tulsa is a way of showing your clients that you care. It is also a great way to boost your body’s immune system and reduce stress.

Massage is one of the few therapies with a strong level of “proven” benefits. One well-known benefit is that it can ease pain.

Massage improves circulation by stimulating the soft tissues of the body to relax. The therapist’s gentle strokes, kneading movements, friction techniques and vibration can help break down knots in the muscle tissue and promote relaxation. This stimulation of the muscles can also decrease tension and pain.

During a massage, the body releases positive hormones called endorphins, serotonin and dopamine which help reduce stress levels and encourage relaxation both physiologically and psychologically. The calming effect of these hormones is similar to the oxytocin released when you receive a hug or pat on the back.

The lubrication that comes with the therapist’s hands and the oils used during a massage can also be relaxing for the body and mind. It’s almost instinctive to reach out and touch someone who is sad or upset – this is what we call “tender loving care”. Massage is an extension of this caring act, and it can have a lasting positive effect.

In addition to the positive emotional effects, massage is known to balance the body’s chemistry, especially by reducing cortisol. The negative impact of cortisol on the body is well documented and it can increase the feeling of stress, anxiety and even depression. Massage can also aid in lowering the level of inflammatory cytokines to reduce the inflammation of autoimmune diseases.

Another way in which massage helps the immune system is by increasing the blood supply to the muscles and thereby improving their nutrition. This increased blood flow can also help with the removal of waste products and reduce swelling in the soft tissue.

Regular massage has been shown to improve sleep patterns, which is beneficial for people who have insomnia or fatigue. Getting a relaxing massage before an important event such as a work presentation or children’s school play can help balance the body and mind and make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep at night. This can also help to reduce feelings of tiredness and sluggishness at the end of the day.

Pain Relief

Massage reduces the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and increases serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that stabilize your mood. It helps to relieve pain by reducing inflammation, increasing blood flow and decreasing muscle tension. It can help ease back pain, migraines, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and tension headaches. It can also improve the function of organs, such as the kidneys and liver, and help with gastrointestinal problems, including constipation. It can boost your immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells in your body, which combat bacteria and viruses. It can also help you sleep better and increase energy levels.

Research indicates that massage therapy can have a positive impact on musculoskeletal pain populations in terms of improved function, pain reduction and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). However, a large amount of heterogeneity among studies prevents conclusive statements to be drawn about the effectiveness of the treatment. Adherence to protocols and standardization of outcomes would allow future researchers to compare results in a meaningful way.

Several studies have shown that massage can relieve musculoskeletal pain by reducing the levels of pain, anxiety and depression, while improving flexibility and mobility. A meta-analysis of high-quality randomized controlled trials found that massage decreases pain intensity and improves function and quality of life when compared with sham or no treatment.

In a qualitative study of hospital inpatients, participants completed a survey that asked about their experiences with massage and other self-care practices during their stay in the hospital. The responses were analyzed using the grounded theory method. The main theme that emerged was “massage promotes healing.”

Participants reported that massage reduced their pain and stress, increased their ability to relax and sleep, and helped them feel better emotionally. In addition, the massages also decreased their perception of needing pain medications. The nurses who administered the massages were highly satisfied with the results of the study and felt that it was a worthwhile investment in the patients’ care. They also noted that they felt more capable and competent to care for their patients after having participated in the program.

Boosts Immune System

If you are regularly sick, then chances are you are suffering from a weak immune system. Getting regular massages can help your immune system to function properly. It has been scientifically proven that massage can improve the cytotoxic capacity of white blood cells in HIV positive adolescents, as well as boost the immune system in stage 1 and 2 breast cancer patients.

The main reason that people get sick frequently is stress, which can significantly reduce the body’s immunity. Stress throws off the hormone balance and makes the body less able to fight infections and illnesses. It also causes the release of cortisol, a stress hormone that acts as an inflammatory agent in short bursts but can be damaging in the long run. Massage is a natural stress reliever and can help the body get back to a healthy hormonal balance, which in turn helps with immunity.

Studies have found that massage can improve the sleep cycle, which is vital for the body to maintain a strong immune system. Lack of sleep can have a huge impact on the body’s ability to fight infections. Massage can help you to sleep better, which in turn will improve your immunity and keep you healthy.

It is also important to note that massage stimulates the lymph fluid circulation, which is crucial for immune function. Lymph fluid takes toxins and pathogens to the lymph nodes where they are destroyed and expelled from the body. When the lymphatic system isn’t functioning properly, it can significantly lower immunity. Massage can help the lymphatic system to function normally and thus enhances immunity.

In addition to all of this, it has been discovered that massage can increase the number of natural killer cells and lymphocytes in the body. In fact, a study conducted by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center found that after 45 minutes of massage, participants had an increased number of lymphocytes, which are the white blood cells responsible for fighting off infection and illness. The researchers also found that the increase in lymphocytes was accompanied by a decrease in inflammatory cytokines and a decrease in splenic phagocytic markers.

Reduces Anxiety

A massage is one of the best ways to reduce stress. This is because it triggers the release of feel good hormones like oxytocin and endorphins which numb the feelings of anxiety and depression by creating a feeling of tranquility and peace. It also helps to lower the body’s cortisol levels which is a stress hormone and can lead to mental health problems if they are high for a long period of time.

Another way that a massage can decrease stress is by helping to balance the body’s “fight or flight” response to danger and its “rest and digest” response to daily life. A study published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry showed that massage therapy can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which leads to relaxation and rest. Researchers also found that the participants’ state anxiety scores decreased after receiving a massage, as did their grip strength and heart rate.

Studies have shown that massage reduces stress in both children and adults. For example, a study conducted on 52 hospitalized adolescent psychiatric patients who received a 30-minute back massage every day for five days showed that their saliva cortisol levels were significantly reduced, while their mood improved and the severity of their anxiety and depressed symptoms diminished.

In addition, a massage can help decrease stress in the elderly by helping to increase the blood flow to the brain and spinal cord which helps with cognitive function, as well as slowing down the aging process of the cells. This is because as the cells age, their ability to process information and make decisions becomes impaired.

The benefits of massage are endless and it can be used to treat many different conditions. However, it is important to find a licensed massage therapist that can meet your specific needs. If you are a busy professional, it’s a great idea to incorporate massage into your routine as part of your healthy lifestyle. This is because a massage can help to increase your energy, relieve pain and reduce stress which will ultimately help boost your immune system and keep you happy and healthy.